Saturday, July 29, 2006

Good morning from Dome Creek and the wireless age - we come out here to get away from the hustle/pressures of working in the Alberta oil patch - just catching up on the news from the outside world - they want to have a truce in Lebanon - that would be a nice thing - I am sure the women,children would welcome peace for a few hours - ah but the men - what would they do - restock their weapons, eat, burp and go back to cleaning their guns - perhaps those diplomats who are proposing peace would leave their American Express cards at home and lock themselves in a room and don't come out until you have a deal for actual peace - everyone seems to talk the talk but in reality they factions don't walk the walk. Perhaps the women should go and cut a "peace deal" and leave the men home to take care of the babies/kids, gather food, clean water and provide a roof over the heads of the kids/babies.


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